- Panels go overtime with more than 3 speakers: Organizers should stop handing out panelist slots as rewards. You can help moderators by not packing panels. Limit your speakers per panel to just 3 to help the moderator have a chance of on-time delivery of a great panel, or back your moderator up if they set this limit.
- Getting all moderators on the same page will boost conference quality. Having a consistent standard for moderation means your paying attendees will have a more consistent experience--and you'll get better ratings and reviews. We've made it easy for you with a guide for moderators that's so affordable, you can get one for each moderator. It's an investment that will pay off handsomely. Join the many organizers who order multiple copies!
- If you're having trouble finding moderators, you may be the reason: Last-minute changes, too many speakers per panel, lousy gender balance, and more issues--many of which rest with the organizer--are reasons moderators say "no" when invited to this key speaking gig.
Need more coaching on how to be a better panel moderator? Order the new ebook The Eloquent Woman's Guide to Moderating Panels. At just $3.99 and available in many formats, it's a great back-pocket coach to take on stage with you in your smartphone or tablet. Find more tips on public speaking on The Eloquent Woman blog.